All About Bats!

false - Tom Marshall

All About Bats!

St Hilary's Church Hall, 481A Gower Road,
Swansea, SA2 7DZ
Join us for an evening of bat discovery with a talk followed by a bat walk in the woods with ecologist Diana Clark.

Event details

Meeting point

The Small Hall, St Hilary's Community Church Halls, Killay
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8:00pm - 10:30pm
Local group
A static map of All About Bats!

About the event

If you have ever wondered about those incredible and elusive mammals - bats - this is the evening for you!

Along with dormice, bats are Di Clark's speciality. She will start the evening with an illustrated talk from 8 - 9pm which promises to be a fascinating introduction to the bats we might see and hear later. She'll talk about their ecology, life cycle, threats and opportunities as well as covering some of the techniques that people use to do bat surveys.

Di has been working as an ecologist for the last 20 years, mostly as an ecological consultant, but also overseas in New Zealand in various conservation, biodiversity and ecological roles. Outside work, she has also been a dedicated volunteer involved with local bat and dormice groups wherever she has been living. In 2017 she made the leap to freelancing and now runs Koru Ecology Associates Limited based in Swansea.

During the course of Di’s career, she has had the opportunity to work with bats in both England and Wales, as well as overseas, conducting surveys as a volunteer with Glamorgan Bat Group, the Vincent Wildlife Trust and the Department for Conservation in New Zealand, advising clients in her consultant capacity and supervising mitigation works under licence from NRW.

After the talk people will have the chance to ask questions then at 9pm, it'll be bat detectors at the ready as Di leads the walk in the nearby Clyne Valley to see if people can hear a few of our more common species, including pipistrelles, myotis (mouse-eared) bats and noctule bats.

Bat detectors will be provided to share in small groups. People who have their own bat detectors are invited to bring them along. The Swansea WTSWW group is very grateful to Di for her support.

Please note, you need only book places for adults. We ask for a minimum of £1 per adult - payable by card or in cash on the day. Under 18's are free but must be accompanied by an adult.

Adults are responsible for children in their party and should be aware that the walk will take place in low light and near a body of water, therefore it is very important to keep young children under close supervision.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and terrain. Sturdy footwear is essential. This event is partly weather dependent so watch your emails for any Eventbrite updates.

Main close-up image of Noctule bat by Tom Marshall.

Parking Advice:

Parking is available free in the church car park or there is street parking nearby.

If you book and find you can't make that date, please remember to cancel your booking on Eventbrite! This event will be very popular so if you can't attend, someone else will be pleased to take your place.




Minimum of £1 per adult. Under 18's free but must be accompanied by an adult.

Additional booking information

Numbers are limited at this event so if you book but find that something else comes up and you can't attend, PLEASE cancel your booking on Eventbrite so it becomes available to others. Thank you.

Suitable for

Families, Children, Adults, Experts

Know before you go


On a lead

- and under close supervision. Thank you.


The small hall where the talk takes place for the first hour is accessible but the walk will be in woodland on some rough paths. 

What to bring

Grippy footwear and other outdoor clothes according to the weather. Remember to cover up if you're likely to suffer from insect bites in the woodland. 


Parking information

Church Hall car park

Bicycle parking

Church Hall car park


Accessible toilet
Disabled parking

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