Star ascidian
One of the most eye-catching sights on the rocky shore, this mind-boggling species resembling a collection of beautiful pressed flowers is actually a colony of individual animals!
House sparrow
The house sparrow is a familiar, streaky brown bird of towns, parks and gardens. Males sport a grey cap and black bib, the size of which indicates their status.
Great white egret
As the name suggests, this tall, white heron is considerably larger than the similar little egret. Once a rare visitor to the UK, sightings have become more common over the last few decades, with…
Lesser weever fish
One of the only venomous fish to be found in British waters, the lesser weever fish is certainly one to watch out for!
Green Flag flying at Parc Slip Nature Reserve for the 4th year!
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales’ (WTSWW) Parc Slip Nature Reserve named as one of the country’s best green spaces!
Pill woodlouse
The defensive mechanism of the pill woodlouse is very recognisable - it curls itself into a tight ball, only showing its plated armour to its attacker. It is an important recycler of nutrients,…
Darren Fawr
Darren Fawr is the largest and most spectacular of the Trust’s reserves in Brecknock. It consists of a steep hill-side, covered with loose, grey limestone scree, cliffs and an undulating hill-top…
New Mini Wetland for Carmel Nature Reserve!
The new pond complex at Carmel Nature Reserve was designed specifically for wildlife. We created four ponds of different depths and surface areas to increase the range of wildlife attracted to the…
Common woodlouse
If you were to pick up a rock in the garden, you’d hopefully find a few common woodlouse. These hardy minibeasts have in-built armour and like to hide in warm, moist places like compost heaps.
Yellow slug
The Yellow slug lives up to its name - its yellow body is mottled with grey patches. Often found in gardens and damp places in houses, it can be considered a pest, but is an important nutrient…